Minnesota Science Museum

Math Core Exhibit

Making math fun for years to come.

The Minnesota Science Museum aimed to demystify mathematics and make it more accessible and engaging for visitors of all ages through its Math Core Exhibit. The exhibit was designed to transform abstract mathematical concepts into tangible, interactive experiences, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation for the subject among visitors.


Creating the Math Core Exhibit involved several key challenges:

  1. Engagement: Making mathematics appealing and interesting to a diverse audience, including young children, teens, and adults.

  2. Clarity: Ensuring that mathematical ideas were presented in a clear, understandable manner.

  3. Interactivity: Developing interactive elements that would actively involve visitors in the learning process.

  4. Durability: Building exhibits that could withstand heavy use in a busy museum environment.


Evergreen collaborated with, educators, and exhibit designers to create a multi-dimensional exhibit featuring the following components:

  1. Interactive Displays: Hands-on exhibits that allowed visitors to explore mathematical principles through play. These included puzzles, geometric constructions, and probability experiments.

  2. Real-World Applications: Sections of the exhibit highlighted the role of mathematics in everyday life, showcasing its application in fields such as engineering, technology, nature, and art.

The Math Core Exhibit was meticulously planned and fabricated. The development process involved:

  1. Prototyping: Initial prototypes of interactive elements were tested. Fabricating elements to make sure all the elements “added up”.

  2. Collaboration: Continuous collaboration with mathematical models ensured the accuracy and educational value of the content.

  3. Design and Fabrication: The fabrication team worked to create visually appealing and-durable exhibit components, using materials that could withstand frequent handling and interaction.


The Math Core Exhibit received positive reception and achieved significant outcomes, and is still featured in the museum today proving that it would stand up to high usage over a considerable amount of time. The exhibit was so well received two duplicates were made and are traveling to museums all over the nation.


The Math Core Exhibit at the Minnesota Science Museum successfully transformed abstract mathematical concepts into engaging, interactive experiences that captivated a wide audience. Or fabrication team worked tirelessly to ensure that the exhibit correctly portrayed the perfectly down to the decimal. By addressing the challenges of engagement, clarity, interactivity, and durability, Math Moves is a powerful educational tool that has fostered a deeper appreciation and understanding of mathematics. The exhibit stands as a testament to the effectiveness of interactive, well-designed and fabricated educational exhibits in promoting learning and curiosity.

interactive displays with built in screens and cameras to aid in the educational elements of the educational museum exhibit.